A couple of things: around a year ago or so I wrote on this blog that the world seemed to be - and I paraphrase - gearing up for war; it seemed the only logical thing considering the sudden destabilisation of much of the planet. The other thing is I'm about to veer dangerously close to a subject that I'm going to now generalise (because to specify would be to over run this blog by a couple of million words)...
The antisemitism row embroiled within the Labour Party is largely a manufactured 'scandal' organised by Tory supporting and right wing interested parties, large rich sections of Jewish society (who fear for their gains from a increase in socialism in Europe and the USA) and a media that is now led more by the opinion of some of the public rather than public opinion. I am aware that this is what you would expect any 'leftie' to say, but, please, allow me to sum up quickly. The Labour members who are being called antisemitic - specifically - are all outspoken critics of the Netanyahu government, or critics of politicians with links, either through birth, marriage or business concerns to said government, in some way, many clear and others vague. In the true sense of the word, no one targeted has been disrespectful to Israel, the majority of Jewish people or Jews in general; but they supporters of Palestine and have been fierce opponents of that extremely right-wing government; so right-wing that the irony is lost in the slaughter.
Obviously Jeremy Corbyn is antisemitic or supports antisemitism because he refuses to shout at these people and expel them from Labour. This is obviously some communist plot or plan by Corbyn et al to do something [unspecified] when it's simply a case of a) the Labour Party gives relatively short shrift to the mainstream media and b) he won't do what they ask because he knows that this is about opposition to Israel's government and their relentless attempted genocide of Palestinians, who, of course, have no claim to their land because it really belongs to the Israeli people and if they have to wipe a nation from the face of the planet to do it...
And remember who has all the money; who own the Rothschilds and Halliburtons of this world and... of God, as soon as you suggest that Jews aren't as spotless, clean and white as a Muslim is dirty, dangerous and brown you get accused of being anti-Jewish, antisemitic - a word they appropriated that somehow means so much more and worse than 'racism'.
Let's examine something else for a second or two. Donald Trump makes a campaign promise to restore Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by placing the US embassy there; he wins and decides to do that, despite everyone and his brother suggesting it was a bad idea. Donald Trump decides to bomb Syria because of a chemical attack that tugs at his heart strings and changes his campaign pledge that he would withdraw from getting too deeply involved in foreign conflicts; his campaign was about making America Great Again by rebuilding it from the inside - the promises of Roosevelt and the delivery of Nixon. Donald Trump also tells Iran that their deal is off, fulfilling another promise to decommission every enactment Obama had a hand in which pissed off the grand masters of the GOP - the true American moneyed - oil. Let's also not forget that by having the protection of the USA, Israel at the moment are riding roughshod over all of the conventions brought in directly because of the decimation of their race in WW2.
We had the fake war, now it's time for the real one.
The fake war was of course North Korea. It has been Trump's plaything for the last 18 months and, ironically, he's even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Republicans when it probably should go to the two Korean leaders; one for being so accommodating and the other for being so clever. Whether Trump has a hand in that is doubtful because North Korea have needed salvation far greater than nuclear weapons and Kim knows this, despite looking like a tinpot Mao. Kim was educated all over the world; he benefited from North Korea's Soviet ideology where he was considerably more equal than others. He speaks fluent English, almost as a first language and he is well versed in everything from economics to Oscar winning films. He's not stupid despite impressions to the contrary. He is the leader of the Mouse That Roared and he will oversee his own 'cultural revolution' and transform North Korea into a burgeoning China-like People's Republic. No one dies; the Korean people will be ecstatic for years and arguably the most potentially unstable (Ha!) region of the world is at peace.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East...
During the pretend 'cold war' escalations in the early 1980s, I always said that WW3 would start in the Middle East and one way or the other Israel would be at the centre of it, so therefore we had nothing to worry about. I think the Russians are more dangerous now, but I'm not wholly sure who should be frightened of them. Did you know that a number of European newspapers and none particularly 'left wing' reported that the chemical attacks in Syria never happened and that the subsequent air strikes were on long abandoned warehouses and storage facilities - they reported either outright or suggested that it was all some kind of ruse. None of this is ever reported in the UK media the way Corbyn refusing to condemn members of Labour for speaking out against Israel or defending the Palestinians is. For some reason the world is turning a blind eye to something horrible in Gaza (and Yemen) while trying to scare the world into believing that handing control of politics to people who might be decent, honest and hardworking for them is somehow evil.
Why would Donald Trump want a war in the Middle East? Well, Money, Oil, Power, Halliburton, 'democracy' 'freedom' and 'solving a problem'. People are not an issue, what is under and over the ground carrying billions of dollars is. Oh and if you think naively enough to shout GREEN at me and electric cars, wind power etc etc, I will say this: Do you think oil is going to get cheaper as its availability dwindles? It might have 200 years left but that's long enough for rich family dynasties.