You know how we get wound up by things? Doesn't matter if we're driving, walking, sitting or shitting, something happens, can happen, does happen or might happen that lets our minds have a good old whinge and a lot of times our mouths verbalise what our brains are thinking. We like a good blat.
The thing is, I've noticed recently that we're all fair game to be blatted at and it doesn't necessarily only come from individuals but also from companies. The country has become so divided that 'freedom of speech' is actually interpreted by many (and a growing number) as 'freedom to say what you think, however awful, under the guise that it's allowable in a free and modern society, you worthless cunt.'
I ran away from England because it was becoming too easy to be insulting to the ignorant and feel no remorse, but since I've been in Scotland I've seen the situation overtake what I was seeing and now almost seems perfectly normal. People I'd regard as far more tolerant and understanding than me, sounding considerably harder and less caring. I've seen, in a time of real crisis, a majority of people on TV, radio and all around me becoming more insular; drawing in their own into huddles and bubbles; and then there's the people that don't consider anything other than their own and they will justify this as being 'how it should be' because we've been taught that or have had it installed in us by a rudimentary version of mental osmosis.
What I can't understand is how we're allowing everyone but white, male, heterosexuals become allowable targets for attack and derision. And before you say that's bullshit, if I told you men were now responsible for the regulation of women's reproduction rights in several US states; or that women are still criminally underpaid in the work place; or that women are penalised for being women by the retail industry; or that women of differing religions can be told what to wear and how to behave? These are just a few examples of the prejudice and discrimination being aimed at people without penises.
Let's not forget, blacks, browns, gays, lesbians, the disabled, the mentally ill, the unemployed, foreigners, other foreigners, certain areas of society, especially if these areas involve helping any of the aforementioned targets... All of these are targets, while white straight men are not.
You can't tell me that you've not seen an example or many examples of the above on your social media travels, and if you haven't are you looking hard enough? Or maybe you're one of the growing army of angry white straight fucktards who think it's fair to bully and intimidate others because you get erections round women?
Did you know that some women don't help themselves? Take Tory wannabe fascist Priti Patel, defender of Boris and a woman from Indian heritage (where women's rights is about as comparable, if not slightly worse, than a donkey's rights in the UK), who felt it was important to both criticise BoJo's neighbours for being concerned about the welfare of BoJo's woman and to point out that the woman, apparently responsible for taping the incredibly loud and harassing convo, was also a Tory hating feminist. I mean... Really. How absolutely awful... I know that Patel is enormously wealthy and doesn't need to care about the plight of anyone other than maybe her own family, but when right wing women come out in support of arsehole right wing males you have to wonder how far we've got to sink before common sense and equality return to our lives in a tidal wave of decency and humanity?
The problem is centrists and the left wing of politics are growing as hateful and disdained about the right as the right is about anyone who can't run a factory full of slave workers. I see ordinary people sticking up for other ordinary people called out on social media as everything from Libtards to SJWs to snowflakes and this brigade of nasty feckers seem to think this is a really horrendous thing; being nice and caring to and about people... Ugh...
*I try and fight for the people who don't have others fighting for them.
What a special kind of wanker you are.
*I helped an old lady over the road the other day.
You fucking rubbish social justice warrior, I hope you get AIDS and die.
*I support gay marriage and a woman's right to govern her own body.
I hope your children get cancer and die.
These are three examples of things I've seen right wing or Brexit supporting bigots say in public, in forums and comments sections and the crazy thing is these people have endorsements in the form of likes or messages supporting their hate.
Did Brexit really just create a huge number of really nasty arseholes and as a result are we now getting normal, mild mannered people thinking, 'Fuck this, I am fed up with the abuse these cockwombles throw at me; it's time I started throwing some shit at them.' and I'm as guilty of that as anyone who has ever got fed up with reading nasty shit. I'm aware that by being nasty to nasty people you're sinking to their levels, but being reasonable doesn't fucking work; does it?
The things is, since when has caring about the welfare of those worse off than ourselves been so bad? Some of these people advocating mass murder (I kid you not) call themselves Christians. I'm betting some of them are really nice people in and around their families, but put them in front of a keyboard and everyone and their aunt is a leftie untrustworthy cunt...
Intolerance happened before the 2nd World War. There was a growing tide of it, also aimed at anyone not white, male, hetero and blonde. Not got a foreskin? Gassed. Family got some Romany in them? Gassed. Gay? Gassed. Disabled? Experimented on and then gassed. This happened 75 years ago and still happens in some fucked up right wing countries.
How is it even remotely acceptable now?
In a world where a nipple is a heinous crime, but a live beheading isn't (unless the executioner is showing off his/her nipples); surely we need to stand back from the madness a little; take a look at ourselves, decide whether we have anything in our pasts (or our family's pasts) that might eventually make us the target and work out if this is what we want in the future.
Come on, sharing your country with a brown person isn't all that bad - their food is usually good; you learn about a different culture and you're not scared that you might get executed for being their friend... or collaborator. Having a gay relative isn't that bad either; but it might be when some faux scientist suggests that the gay gene is present in all gay peoples' relatives, so they all must be executed. Because that's eventually where the Nazis ended up and we're not far from theoretically and virtually emulating them at the moment.
You think I'm being melodramatic?
Go and look at any comments section on the BBC, or the Mail Online. Pick a contentious subject; maybe one you have a problem with and after reading it all tell me if you have that much of a problem? Tell me if you get apoplectic enough to advocate violence and death and then tell me how we're going to stop us from emulating our recent, unpleasant, history?