The Politics of ...

The Politics of ...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Brown Trousers Time for Election

Let's be honest. How many times have we met people with ignorant and ill informed opinions? How often have we left the company of others feeling that one or more of them are either grossly under-educated or moronically fascist?

I'm not for a second going to even contemplate defending Gordon Brown. Listening to the story break on 5Live, I got that horrible feeling that we've just hit a watershed in the election campaign. Labour are buggered.

David Cameron must be rubbing his Eton-educated hands together and waiting for the keys to #10 - because, in an election that had Hung Parliament writ LARGE all over it; Cameron (a Tory, therefore more likely to be a bigot than a little old lady from Rochdale) will benefit from this enormously and all the support for the Lib Dems will probably count for nought. The election that could change everything has been scuppered by a prime minister who probably needed a hung parliament to have any chance of staying on.

Golly... I'd hate to be at Labour HQ at the moment. There isn't really any way out of this one and coming so late in the day, there's absolutely nothing Labour can do. They have effectively lost 1 million votes, possibly more. There isn't a Labour candidate in the country who can possibly defend Brown without coming across as a complete and utter tit.

The need to vote tactically is even more imperative. It is important for the future of this country; the remaining services, the old and the young that Cameron and his Bullingdon club cronies do not get their hands on power - they can do a serious amount of damage in 5 years.

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