The Politics of ...

The Politics of ...

Thursday 13 December 2018

Madness 24/7

Now that this blog has reverted to a barely noticed part of my oeuvre I feel as though we can be a little more intimate. It's like, it's just us, we can forget about that general rationale I have and just talk like friends; can't we?

Anyone who's been here for a while will know I have touched on the idea that we're stuck in a matrix and it's malfunctioning. That statement suggests the belief that the film The Matrix was simply a post-modern computer generated joke inserted into our collected 'realities' to put us off the nagging feeling that our lives have always felt a little like The Truman Show but from a reverse perspective turned in on itself.

I wouldn't be the first (stoned or straight) person to suggest, philosophically, that reality is YOU. Or YOU. Or even YOU!!! It could also be me. It could be a fantastically elaborate computer program that we kid ourselves would be too complicated to achieve with our feeble human brains, but that might be because our feeble human brains have been coded that way?

It could be that this blog entry is a kind of failsafe mechanism. It's created in the minds of people as a way of preventing them from questioning their existence, or I'm writing it that way to make me realise that I might be the only person that exists and that might not even be as a human. In reality, just someone going into or playing with some interstellar computer-generated interpretation of what early 21st century mankind was like, even if it existed and wasn't just the imagination of a considerably more powerful ... God or programmer.


I don't think it matters any more about whether you're a conservative and I'm a socialist or if someone is a liberal and someone else is a nationalist - the world is quite bonkers.

I actually haven't been impressed by the majority of puppets running the world since I started taking an interest in politics - late 1970s - but now I'm, you know, just over 3 years away from being 60 - For fuck's sake - I kind of think I do have a functioning brain; it probably doesn't agree with the way many of my friends think, but I like to think that while I'm not an expert, I've done enough to actually weigh up both sides of an argument - as an example and nothing more I think I understood Brexit better than some of my friends. However, this isn't about that - I simply and am putting across the argument that I think I'm well-versed enough to be regarded as an adult. I hope you will agree.

In that case... I think I've either gone mad and my mind is generating - paradoxically - what I started this by talking about; or it's some kind of madness and I'm really strapped to a gurney, frothing at the mouth and screaming at invisible monsters climbing through the ceiling at me and this is my way of blocking out my imminent demise.

I think I've done enough to convince you - who might not even be there - that I'm of sound mind; yes? In that case, have you noticed how utterly fucking mad existence has become? Don't you think there's a hint of some nightmarish version of The West Wing and House of Cards about all of this? Like we're trapped in a thriller that started really well but then started jumping the shark so often that ridiculous is now normal and it's a badge of honour to become the most ridiculous without really noticing it?

Imagine the thriller 24 and then apply that premise to reality. We're in season 2018 and the only people watching are 150 die-hard fans, family members of the cast and the Keifer Sutherland role is now you.

Yes. YOU! [points finger in a convincing Uncle Sam kind of way]

That, above, that's what reality feels like to a lot of people. We're told we're destroying the planet faster than we could ever have imagined and the largest nations shrug and continue to spew poison into the atmosphere. We have people arguing for the building of nuclear power stations because harnessing nature's free gifts is ugly or unprofitable. The USA has become this weird place overrun by idiots with guns overseen by a giant orange man-baby; France presided over by the cowardly face of neoliberalism; Poland becoming all of the things it despised about others; Hungary wanting both more power and isolation; the Philippines being run by a murderer, Australia on its, what? 7th PM in as many years? Brazil electing the political equivalent of a military coup and the UK being run by 650 MPs tasked with the job of trying to sort out not just the mess David Cameron caused but the problems generations of MPs are to blame for - the continuous drip-fed indoctrination of people with beliefs that are not real or achievable. The allowance of the propagation of cognitive dissonance and then the feeding of it will be the downfall of this society. From the outside looking in, this reality must look utterly bewildering, if it hadn't been happening there as well.

What I see, almost every day, is spoiled babies shitting and stamping in it because they're not getting their own way. The vast majority who won't even get a facsimile of what they want are going to be as angry but won't have a pantomime to ham it up to; these people - the rational ones - need to look at themselves and find the ability and the desire to do something.

Every so often mankind wakes up.

However, pretty much everything (apart from the truly bizarre) I've talked about in these blogs over the last 3 years has come true. This doesn't bode well for mankind even if it is really just me and the computer game has got stuck in nihilist mode...

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