The Politics of ...

The Politics of ...

Friday 23 September 2022


Just a quick one. I know people get fed up with politics ...

The latest version of the Tory government has essentially held a mini budget which many thought would address the key cost of living problems we're having, but what it actually did was make rich people fabulously more wealthy (the stopping of the 45p tax rate, so billionaires will now pay the same 19% that a care worker pays) and poor people more worried because they're going to be forced to try and work more hours or lose any benefits they're only on because the cost of living outstripped wages about 25 years ago needing the introduction of tax credits (which was a stupid Labour idea just so people don't think I just target the Conservatives all the time). 

This is a massive thing because UK revenues will plummet and UK borrowing will escalate. This means even less than zero investment in infrastructure; no money for social care, none for the NHS - which, incidentally, the Tories are attempting to destroy, not sell it off. They have no interest in selling it off, they want to ruin it so something like the NHS can never be done again. The government will also borrow loads of money - now with interest rates going up rather than two years ago when they were almost non-existent - and all in the hope that it stimulates growth and allows trickle down economics to work. Incidentally, trickle down economics is about as effective as communism, just to put it into some context with people who seem to think that even a mildly socialist government is going to do all the things the Daily Mail tell us you should be scared of.

I think we need to put this into some context. Truss has been told she has 2 years as PM. It's her job to absolutely fuck the country up so that when Labour are elected in 2024 they'll face an unprecedented awful position with the country massively in debt, with all its services on its knees and no money available to sort out the mess. This is a calculated move by the Tories to lose the next General Election so that they can win it back when Labour either fail to fix the problems or actually fix them. It will be then that the Tories and their cohorts will start to remind us again that they're the party of fiscal responsibility.

We are witnessing with tax cuts for the richest, caps on bonuses lifted and the poor penalised yet again just what Truss's Tories priorities are - make as much as we can until we can't make anything else. They are strip-mining what's left of UK PLC and will leave us in a position like Greece was a decade ago, except without the EU acting as a safety net.

The Tories started to fuck with us in the coalition. Austerity was an ideological choice and nothing to do with common sense. Then they fucked with us again by convincing us we needed to be out of the EU - this was again based on ideology and not common sense. Now, the third and final megafuck is allowing anyone making lots of money to make loads more while penalising the poorest. This is an endgame; there won't be much of a country left in 2024 to govern. This is disaster capitalism playing out before our eyes to our own country. 

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