The Politics of ...

The Politics of ...

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Another Reason Why the BBC is Shit

The fact that BBC News now has about 30% outside content suggests the channel is desperate to stay on air with all the cuts being aimed at them. The weird thing about this is BBC News has, at least for the last eight or nine years, been a mouthpiece for the Tory government. Scrutiny has been in short supply of the Tories, the focus has been on anyone but them. So you'd imagine the BBC, in the knowledge that there's a good chance their evil overlords will be ousted from power next year, would be more 'inclined' to be a little more circumspect of the government and not appear to be gaslighting the country for them, still.

I know that theories abound about the BBC and how their impartiality, especially towards the Conservatives, has never been more absent, but one wonders if the actual standard of journalism has been reduced to a level that the average intelligent person will switch off?

This morning on the offensive Nicky Campbell radio phone in - now televised on the news channel for two hours a day to cut costs - one of the many arseholes they invite on to spout bullshit made the comment: 'I completely support the teachers, nurses and other public sector workers desperate for a wage rise, BUT surely there's a more effective way of getting what they want rather than going on strike and effecting the lives of the people who support them?' This is a passive aggressive form of attack, something the right wing has become very good at. It used to be called whataboutery, but now it's more subtle. 

I wanted to be on that show, I wanted to have Twitter open in front of me or my mobile to text the programme. I wanted to say, "If striking doesn't work, what do you suggest they do? Writing a strongly worded letter to the Health Secretary? Stop caring about their patients? How does the caller think a pay issue will be resolved unless the people wanting a pay rise roll over and show their employers' their bellies and hope that's enough?" What an absolute fucking wanker and what a shower of cunts the BBC are for even allowing this idiot onto the show; but what should we expect? Yesterday, Jonty from Chichester phoned up to tell the listening public, in his posh voice, that nurses were greedy, already paid enough and need to stop being greedy! This was like when they invited Nigel Lawson on to argue the case for why climate change is a myth...

I love the way the BBC has managed to make people we were cheering for three years ago into villains now. Every time there's a strike, it never focuses on the needs of those on strike, but always attaches itself to the selfish wants and needs of the individual. "This strike is affecting my life and I don't like it!" Well tough shit, it's ruining the lives of the people who want more money, but don't you worry about them, until you need to have your life saved.

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