The Politics of ...

The Politics of ...

Monday 31 July 2023

We're All Going to Burn (or Freeze)

Dump your Green credentials and you'll be elected. That's the message Rishi Sunak is being fed by many people in his party. If you're a sensible, intelligent person you'll see this as a crazy, short-sighted message, but the problem isn't with you, it's not really with the climate change deniers, the problem lies in the perception that India, Brazil, Nigeria, USA, Russia and many other economic powerhouses just aren't doing enough so why should I. What is the point of individuals being green if it equates to a grain of sand on a massive beach?

I can't answer that. 

You might wonder what the point of this is then? Well, just recently I've been doing that exercise in futility by trying to argue with climate change deniers and given we've just had a fucking awful July it makes arguing on the side of climate change very difficult, mainly because people are stupid and can't see that climate change is probably responsible for us having a shit July and could be responsible for our own island's future climate crisis because there's a chance the gulf stream might disappear and if that happens our weather will be more Iceland than England and that will be a huge shock to the system.

Yet people don't want to believe it. They don't want electric cars, they don't want heat pumps, they don't want to spend any money on green things when entire countries are flipping the middle finger to scientists and other people trying to save the planet. The Death Cult of Deniers is actually winning; I know that seems strange considering the amount of EVs you see on the road, but that isn't a fair comparison because you can see a lot of football supporters at a game but that doesn't mean the entire country is a fan of football. The thing is you just have to look at the Uxbridge by-election to see that the wealthier you are the less likely you're going to support changes for the climate; the problem is until that result came through we thought it was just the 40% of the country who aren't wealthy, can't afford green things and were poorly educated thought that way. The truth is green people are in the minority and we don't have a government or a government in waiting that wants to commit to green policies because it's not a vote winner.

That means the Tories issuing 200 more North Sea oil exploration licences; opening a coal mine in Cumbria and spending years denying licences to off shore wind farms, because it seems the country would rather look at the sea than look at wind turbines providing them with cheap green energy. The internet has allowed conspiracy theories to gain ground to the point where people would rather believe bullshit than accept that the world might be dying. Ask them about how this will affect their children or grandchildren and you might as well be asking how an air fryer works in Albanian. The thing about denial is if you're in denial you'll deny everything.

I can say that we're doomed and attach that to many things such as governments, the rise of fascism or the growth of idiocy, but in reality we are doomed because the planet is going to fuck up badly and those least affected by it will refuse to believe it's anything but weather. The growing number of climate change deniers in the UK look outside their windows and see the rain and think, 'It's a load of bollocks.' How do you convince people using experts when they want to believe the guy down the pub more?

People like me and my peers are going to be dead by the time it gets really worse (or at least I hope so) and we're going to need the children of the world to say NO, but given the amount of scepticism out there I'm not sure young people are going to be immune from this kind of indoctrination.

Enjoy the planet, over the next ten years it's going to change beyond all recognition; there will be so many refugees - because of the climate crisis that doesn't exist - the gammons will be having aneurysms on a daily basis. The world will change and that change will be its death. It might take a couple of hundred years, but we're at the start of an extinction event, I just hope the planet survives the end of mankind.

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